Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dune Surfing Fraser Island, Australia by Mac

On Fraser Island there are a lot of lakes and one has a big sand dune that you can roll down into the lake on.  In the car ride up we were all very anxious to get there.  When we got there, we ran to the dune, took our shirts and shoes off and jumped down the hill.

When we got to the bottom, we saw that some other people next to us had a boogie board and they slid down on that and that looked like a lot of fun, so I asked them if I could use it and they said yes.  I ran up the hill and got on the board and slid down.  I was going very fast and at the bottom I hit another board and got three feet of air.

I thought it was so fun I tried it again and this time I stood up on the board and surfed down.  When I hit the bottom I got the wind knocked out of me but I still had a lot of fun.



After that, we gave the board back and it was time to go.

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